5 Ways To Prep For Birth (Pt. 3)

We are on day 3️⃣ of our 5 ways you can prep for birth using the acronym “D.O.U.L.A.” and today’s letter, “U” is one we definitely don’t think you should pass up!

>>>Understand your options

An obvious one right!?🤔However, this topic may be more nuanced than you think!

There are many different levels of getting educated about birth. Whether you’re on the spectrum of reading all the books + taking all the classes🤓 or maybe you’re more into winging it & hoping for the best🤠, we can guarantee it is a good idea to do at least a little bit of learning about the different options that come into play when having a baby.

⬇️A few things to consider:

-medical & non-medical induction methods

-different types of birth interventions

-stages of labor

-cardinal movements of baby

-what happens during a cesarean birth

-coping strategies/medications for pain management

-positions for pushing

-newborn medications/care

-infant feeding options

-postpartum recovery & planning

Your medical providers should be giving you informed consent (for ex: “Is it okay if I check your cervix?” vs. “Lets check your cervix!” and discussing different options along with their benefits and risks with you. We understand that unfortunately, this aspect can sometimes get lost in the mix.

That is where we come in!👯‍♀️

We as doulas are not only able to help educate you beforehand but also in real time during your birth. Our goal is to fill in gaps in care and bring the whole birth team together!✨

🤍There’s truly no wrong way to birth your baby. Getting educated about options that could potentially come into play will not only help you navigate what is best for you but can also aid you in having more positive feelings about your birth.

Most importantly, have a moment to think about YOUR philosophy on birth & why this philosophy is important to you. Does your birth team support your philosophy?

✏️Popular classes from our clients:

Evidence Based Birth


Mama Natural


Gentle Birth


Mamaste Fit


➡️➡️➡️Visit ProDoula to find a certified childbirth educator/class in your area!

💖Also want to recommend to follow a provider that does a lot of wonderful non-biased education on her Instagram account:



5 Ways To Prep For Birth (Pt. 4)


5 Ways to Prep for Birth (pt.2)