5 Ways to Prep for Birth (pt.2)

Day ✌🏼of 5 ways you can prep for birth using the acronym “D.O.U.L.A.”:

O is for…

>>>Open the pelvis + relax your pelvic floor muscles!

🧘🏽‍♀️Opening your pelvis allows baby to get into a good birthing position and engage further into your pelvis. Throughout pregnancy and during early labor focus on positions that have your feet in the “in” position. Example: Butterfly stretch

➡️Feet IN

opens the pelvic INLET.

⬅️Feet OUT

opens the pelvic OUTLET.

The pelvic inlet also opens more with external rotation of your femurs (wide knees and squats) and pelvic tilting. Tucking your bottom under (posterior tilt) and arching your back (anterior tilt). Example: Cat/Cow stretch

🧘🏼‍♀️Releasing the Psoas muscle - This muscle can often times become tight and affect the descent of babies or have an impact on their fetal position. Positions to help stretch and relax the psoas muscle include low lunge, extended side angle, modified mermaid pose, easy seat, pigeon pose, windshield legs.

🧘🏿‍♀️Lengthen and mobilize your pelvic floor - Try out the breath work and visualizations in positions that encourage relaxation of the pelvic floor. Some ideas - supported deep squat, a seated or semi-reclined cobbler pose.

** Extra Credit ** Try practicing relaxing your pelvic floor in various pushing positions. Side-lying & hands and knees, as well as other common positions such as on your back or in a supported squat.

🤓Want to learn more about your pelvis & pelvic floor?

✅Follow accounts like @mamastefit or visit them locally if you’re in Southern Pines area!

& go ahead and get in touch with a local pelvic floor PT during pregnancy!

✅Some great local pelvic floor PTs ⬇️

•Caroline Keeler, PT

Inside Out Physical Therapy


•Catherine Duncan, DPT - @cat.dpt

•Dr. Lydia & Dr. Amy with @pelvic.prescription

✅Yoga is never a bad idea!

Check out these studios⬇️




There are also wonderful prenatal Yoga routines on YouTube!🤍


5 Ways To Prep For Birth (Pt. 3)


5 Ways To Prep for Birth! (Pt. 1)