Morning Sickness
You’ve just found out you’re pregnant…
You may have even just went to your very first prenatal appointment. You’re excited to start this new journey…only to be met with feeling nauseated, crummy and like you could vomit at any given moment during this first trimester…
If you’re experiencing morning sickness right now, please know, there is nothing wrong with you! It is not your fault. Some pregnancies may not experience it and some do. Did you know according to the Cleveland Clinic, 70% of pregnant people in the first 3 months of their pregnancy experience morning sickness? We are here with all the tips and tricks to help you find some relief as you move through it!
What is morning sickness?
Morning sickness is essentially, nausea and vomiting and usually starts before 9 weeks of pregnancy. It can be brought on by the smell or sight of certain foods, having too much food or not enough food on your stomach, eating specific foods or other smells too! Morning sickness can really happen at any time of day or night. You may be actively vomiting or just be feeling queasy and “gaggy”. This can occur at specific times throughout your day or it could be a unsettled nausea you feel all day long.
The cause of morning sickness is linked to the change in hormones that is making your body the perfect home for your growing little one and to keep it growing! (Please don’t be worried if you aren’t having symptoms of morning sickness- many don’t! ) The lightning speed growing uterus may also contribute to morning sickness as well!
How can I find relief?
One of our favorite ways to cope through morning sickness is, to make a small bedside basket full of crunchy & carb filled goodies to eat first thing in the morning before you even get out of bed. Some ideas— thin crispy crackers, granola bar, graham crackers or pretzels (something with a little salt on it is perfect for the benefits of sodium!). The key here is to eat light and just get something on your stomach before starting your day. You may find it hard to eat when experiencing morning sickness so some great ideas for breakfast could be something plain and easy to eat such as toast, a bagel or even dry cereal.
To keep the sickness at bay throughout the day it is best to eat smaller meals and have snacks about every 2 hours. Be sure to go for options that are high in protein like nuts or apples with peanut butter. Heavy or greasy foods may not be best to eat at dinner time and could contribute to feeling nauseated during night time. Don’t forget to stay on top of your vitamins as well! Staying hydrated throughout the day is also very important and adding lemon to your ice water can also help keep the sickness at bay. These Traditional Medicinals Organic Morning Ease Anti-Nausea Lozenges are perfect to keep on you in your purse, tote bag or car for relief during your day as ginger is perfect for settling nausea. Diffusing peppermint oil, like this kind from Whole Foods Peppermint Essential Oil or taking Natural Peppermint Tummy Drops may also help! This Pink Stork Morning Sickness Bundle may be a good option if you are looking for some serious relief!
When will this end?
Morning sickness should end after the first 3 months of pregnancy, typically as you are starting the second trimester. If your symptoms of morning sickness persist and are not getting any better or are severely interfering with your nutrition and daily life— it is best to contact your medical care provider!